I just got back from the trip of a life time. My intentions have been to write about different stories, encounters, synchronicities, emotions and more that I experienced during my first overseas trip to Europe. But intentions are funny little things… you can have all the best intentions in the world, but if your heart is not there it is hard to act on the intentions.
While I am incredibly grateful for my two week hiatus, I have been surprisingly hit with a bought of post travel blues. And apparently, yes… it’s a real thing. Who knew? I like to always focus on the positive stuff, because even when going through tough moments I believe there is positive to be found, but in the sense of keeping things real, I thought it was important to come on here and talk about something that seems so silly, yet is having a pretty profound effect on my life at the moment.
There was so much magic in my life for two weeks… more than I ever could have imagined. Being sensitive to energy, I always imagined walking down those cobble stone streets and being flooded with the centuries of energy stored in those hand-chiseled pavers, but to my surprise I was flooded with wonder with each step, for every turn of every corner held a new discovery.
As I’ve been reseaching this concept of post vacation blues, I’ve been reading that its very common for people who have had an amazing trip to get depressed when they come back and realize how unhappy they are with their life. I don’t believe the second part of this is the case with me, as I love the life my husband and I have created, however I am filled with sadness and a desire for isolation.
I’m still experiencing jet lag and believe that this is probably a major contributor to how I’m feeling, but being that it is another new feeling for me (and one that left me feeling a little crazy – and silly) I wanted to talk about it in case anyone else out there has experienced, or ever does experience this feeling. You are not crazy, you are not alone, and the feelings (as silly as they may seem) are still very real feelings.
Luckily, I have a session with my therapist tonight and I’m sure that she will help my get out of this funk, but I also want to point out how important it is when we are having feelings that we consider unpleasant to not immediately dismiss them. One of the many lessons I have pulled from my mindfulness practice is the idea of not pushing our feelings away, but rather to allow them to be. People are very quick to push away unpleasantness instead of sitting with it and learning from it. As I always say, there are lessons in everything.
In the days and weeks to come, I’m sure my heart will be back in to my intention of sharing the stories I’ve been part of these last few weeks, but until then I wish for you all to find magic around every corner of your life.