Last night in my meditation class, Celeste had us focus on the area right above our naval, or our third chakra, and visualize an object there. It could be any object. My little blue adventurine Buddha that I recently acquired immediately came to my mind. As she started suggesting objects for those having trouble visualizing, she mentioned the moon. As you know, I have an incredibly strong connection with this heavenly being. In turn, I reasoned that I should be seeing the moon. After a minute or two, my intuition said to stick with what I originally saw, so I went back to visualizing this little guy.
After several more minutes of visualization and focused breathing, she prompted us to hear a message, any message. And we were to focus on that message. I started grasping for a message and forced a very generic “love, peace and happiness”. Once I quieted my mind and started focusing on this message, it was only moments later that I heard the real message… “behold the wonder within.” It was the same voice I heard last January that told me to “eat from the Tree of Life”. That message I received last year is what sent me on the path I’ve been on this past year which has been so incredibly soul-opening.
So, for the next several minutes I focused on my little blue buddha, the words “behold the wonder within” and the instructions from my mediation teacher. As she continued on she read about the stillness in the mind, and how important it is to be present in the moment and to not over analyze your thoughts. Then she read, “The mind will deepen, entering into clarity, purity, brightness, true happiness, and true inner knowledge. This is inner wisdom. Finally, you will behold the universal truth which lies within you and everyone else in this world.”
I was floored. (Literally.) 😉 These last few days have been completely filled with synchronicity. Repeating numbers flying at me left and right. Yesterday’s Daily Calm was all about the magic of serendipity where aside from this little gem from Nancy Thayer…
Tamara Levitt ended with an equally profound quote of her own advising listeners to “leave room for the universe to work it’s magic.”
And what is that magic? It’s wonder! It’s faith! It’s truth! It’s knowing that there is something greater than us out there and that if you surrender yourself to it, the energy will find you and you will start to feel it, see it, and maybe… in the those moments of stillness… you will be lucky enough to hear it.
StayWonderfull everyone! 💖
P.S. In case you were interested… here is a photo of the section of last night’s meditation. I heard the message “behold the wonder within” PRIOR to us reaching this section in the meditation.