I was guided to write my first prayer on the morning of Lion’s Gate. Feel free to use this prayer to help manifest your dreams. (You may replace or eliminate “Lion’s Gate” to use as needed.) -StayWonderfull everyone! ♥
Manifestation and World Peace Prayer:
On this Lion’s Gate, we come to you with grateful hearts, thankful for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us in our lives.
We ask that our harvest continues to be bountiful so that all of our dreams may come to fruition. May we harness the power, confidence, courage, and creativity of the lion to manifest what we need to live a life that cultivates our highest good.
By doing so, we will inspire others to do the same, helping to create a world full of wondrous joy and celebration. A world without need… and so it is. Blessed Be. Amen.