Last night I was very excited to attend my second Gong Bath! For those who are not familiar with sound healing, the general premise is that there are two parts to sound healing. The first being the actual sound put off by the instrument (in this case 3 planetary gongs) which creates energy waves that permeate your body down to a cellular level. Essentially, the energy shakes up your cells and realigns them and if you have any energy blockages in your body and/or your chakras, the sound energy will try to push through those blockages.
The other part of it is setting your intention. Intention is such an incredibly important part of any healing. You know that old saying.. mind over matter. Well it’s so true. There was a study done by Dr. Masaru Emoto where he set positive and negative intentions to water and froze it. The way the water molecules crystallized is pretty remarkable. I’m including a little video I found of a movie clip that summarizes the study and adds a few additional photos in. If you have extra time, it is a fascinating study to research further.
So if words can have that effect on water, imagine the effect it can have on us. We are made up of mostly water. The thoughts and intentions that we tell ourselves really do shape our experiences. With that said, I’ll get back to last night’s event. I had some pretty wild experiences that I want to document, because I feel like there is still so much out there to learn and what doesn’t make sense to me now, may make sense in the future.
First, I’ll start with a brief description of the meditation she guided us through. It started with us focusing on our breath and imagining our root chakra sending a tap root into Mother Earth down through the soil, the clay, the stone.. to the heart of her core and bringing that golden Earth energy through our tap root, into and out of our bodies and having it surround us in a protective bubble. She then guided a tube from our crown chakra up through the sky, beyond our atmosphere, beyond the moon, the sun and the stars up to Father Heaven where we met shimmering silver energy that we brought back down into and out of our bodies which we merged with the golden Earth energy in our protective sphere. A single tear from my right eye slowly crept down my face when we hit the core of mother earth, and a single tear from my left eye crept down when we hit the shimmering energy of father heaven. It was such a beautiful meditative moment. I found out later, as we all gathered in her kitchen to share our experiences that someone else had tears running down their face during the meditation as well, though as with mine, they were not emotional tears… they were automatic… out of nowhere.
Next, the gongs began to play. Prior to the session she explained how each gong correlates with a different section of the body. The Earth gong from the feet to the naval. The Jupiter gong from the naval to (I believe) the throat chakra, and the Neptune gong picks up where the Jupiter gong left off and goes to the top of the head. The Earth gong represents the physical plane, I believe she said the Jupiter gong represented the astral plane, and the Neptune gong represented the mind of God… a mental/spiritual plane. She did not identify which gong was which when we went in the room, but as she played them I could feel my body resonating with the different planes.
The wildest experience I had last night had to have occurred while she was playing the Jupiter gong. My soul literally felt like it was being pulled from body. The sensation started in my heart chakra and I could feel my soul extending about a foot from my chest. It was shaped like a bubble. I knew my soul wanted to travel but there was some type of resistance which I currently do not understand. From the little bit that I’ve read on astral travel I know that you are to protect yourself in a bubble and I know that during astral travel, the soul knows how to find it’s way back. Worried that I was holding it back, I internally gave my soul permission… even encouraged it, telling it that it was safe, and that this was a protected space and that it would know how to find it’s way back, but ultimately, I was not meant to experience an awake traveling last night.
The sound from the gongs was incredibly intense. Not only could you physically feel the vibration from the energy waves, but you could hear it bouncing off the walls and engulfing the entire room. It felt as if I were in a stormy sea of sound waves. It was at the peak of the intensity that through closed eyelids, I was able to see waves of light rolling across the room, spanning out in different directions. Afterwards, another attendee confirmed that they saw the same thing (and see it on a regular basis when they perform their own sound healing sessions).
Another person said they saw a white square mask face floating around the room and at one point it came directly in front of them and blew black smoke in their face. I have no idea what that means and I’m glad that wasn’t my experience! But I instinctively thought to myself that it somehow related to a cleansing, similar to how sage smoke cleanses. Someone else voiced the same thing. What’s even stranger is that four different times I saw a flash of white light in the shape of a square. I remember it, because it was very distinct. Anytime that I’ve ever seen colors or any shapes with my eyes closed, the edges have always been rounded – so to see something so sharp was shocking.
My husband and I shared a similar experience as well. His was more drawn out than mine, but it was similar just the same. For me, as the main gong being played changed throughout the session, my head would very gradually, and automatically move up or down. At one point, I realized my chin was touching my chest. At another point, it was all the way tilted back as if I were looking at the ceiling. For me it took probably 5 or 10 minutes for my head to reach position… for my husband… his head only moved once and it took about 30 minutes for him to fully open up. He was so open to receiving the energy that he wanted to drop the strip of selenite he was holding and drop his hands down along his sides. By the end, he was folded forward with his forearms on his thighs (which was the position that the majority of the class was in when I finally opened my eyes).
When I walked out of that room… my body was buzzing. It felt like every cell in my body was alive and humming. If you ever have the chance to attend one of these events please do. But keep an open mind. Don’t resist the experience… just be present and live it – with no expectations – and see what happens. Feel free to share any experiences you have had during sound healing in the comments below! I couldn’t get over the similarities in experiences last night. When you hear others telling their story and it’s similar to your’s it really drives home the concept that we are all connected.
Stay open-minded, stay full of love, and StayWonderfull.
*Earth Gong Image from: Tone of Life Gongs